東京都で新型コロナウイルス感染症緊急事態宣言が出されました。 また、神奈川、千葉、埼玉にはまん延防止等重点措置が実施されています。 これらを受けて慎重に検討した結果、下記を条件に運航を継続することとしました。
- 従来から実施している下記感染対策を徹底する。
- 会員一人ひとりが普段の生活において感染防止に努める。
- 特に飲酒の場の感染リスクが高いことから、2週間以内に飲み会に参加していないこと。(家庭内及び4人以下での静かな飲酒は除く)
- 会員以外のゲスト、体験搭乗、ラインサポーターも受け入れるが、1日当たりの参加人数を調整(原則2名程度)する。 また、上記3)を追加した「確認票」によるチェックを徹底する。
- 当日朝の体温を測定し、来場時に「板倉活動記録」の備考欄に記入する。(会員対象)
- 会員以外の方は来場前に体温測定し、所定の確認票に連絡先とともに来場前に記入をお願いします。(確認票のチェック内容によっては、来場をお断りする場合があります。)
- 参加者は可能な限りフィジカルディスタンス(2m)を保つこと。
- 飛行後のデブリーフィングは撤収前に屋外(ピスト)で実施。
- サロンでの作業は最小限(最大16名程度)とし、換気に努めること。
- 教室の利用も最小限(最大8名程度)とし、換気に努めること
- 複座機に同乗する場合は、マスク着用とし、ベンチレーターを全開とする。
- こまめに手洗い、手指の消毒を行うこと。
- 操縦装置、椅子、無線機マイク等は定期的に消毒を行う。(消毒液を準備)
- 接触確認アプリCOCOAのインストール
板倉滑空場 ビジター確認票(抜粋)
□体温 37.0度以下であること
July 13, 2021
Operation under a state of emergency ( 2021 July)
Japan Soaring Club
The 4th state of emergency for corona virus infection has been declared in Tokyo. In addition, the target areas for priority measures such as spread prevention have been expanded in Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama. As a result of careful consideration in response to these, we decided to continue the operation under the following conditions.
- Thoroughly implement the following infection countermeasures that have been implemented in the past.
- Each member strives to prevent infection in their daily lives.
- Do not participate in the drinking party within 2 weeks, especially because of the high risk of infection in the drinking area. (Excluding quiet drinking at home and with 4 or less people)
- We accept guests other than members, experience boarding, and line supporters, but we will adjust the number of participants per day (about 2 people in principle). Also, thoroughly check with the “confirmation slip” that added 3) above.
[Infection control]
- Wear a mask as much as possible even during activities at the gliding field.
- To prevent heatstroke, wear a mask depending on the situation.
- Refrain from talking loudly during dining
- Avoid the “Three Cs !”
1. Closed spaces with poor ventilation
2. Crowded places with many people nearby
3. Close-contact settings such as close-range conversations
- Measure your body temperature in the morning on the day of the event and enter it in the remarks column of the “Itakura activity record” when you visit. (For members)
- If you are not a member, please measure your body temperature before you come to the venue, and fill in the designated visitor confirmation sheet with your contact information before you come.
(Depending on what you check on the confirmation sheet, you may be refused to come.) - Participants should maintain a physical distance (2m) as much as possible.
- Debriefing after flight will be performed outdoors before withdrawal.
- Minimize work in the salon (up to 16 people) and try to ventilate.
- Minimize the use of classrooms (maximum of 8 people) and try to ventilate.
- When riding a double-seat glider, wear a mask and open the ventilator fully.
- Wash your hands frequently and disinfect your fingers.
- Steering equipment, chairs, radio microphones, etc. are regularly disinfected. (Prepare disinfectant)
- Install contact-confirming application COCOA
Itakura Gliding Field Visitor Confirmation Form (excerpt)
Please check the boxes that apply during the two weeks prior to use. If you do not check any of the items below, please refrain from visiting.
□ Body temperature must be below 37.0 degrees C(98.6 F)
□ There are no symptoms of a cold such as fever, cough and sore throat, dullness, stuffy breath, abnormal smell and taste, heavy body, and easy fatigue.
□ There is no close contact with those who are positive for the new COVID-19 infection.
□ No one is suspected to be infected by close friends such as family members or people in the same workplace.
□ There are no entry restrictions from the government within the last two weeks, travel to countries, regions, etc. that require an observation period after entry, or close contact with the resident.
□ Must not have been tested positive for new COVID-19 infection within two weeks.
□ I haven’t attended a drinking party within the last two weeks. (Excluding quiet drinking at home and with 4 or less people)
ItakuraGliderVisitorConfirmationSheetver2 (PDF file)
If you are a visitor, please fill out, print, and bring it.